1. Protecting ships that carry the food you eat, the stuff you buy and the fuel you need.
Most of the oil used by the UK arrives by sea. Global maritime trade relies on the free and lawful use of the sea. The UK is an island nation and most of the food and goods you buy in the shops has arrived from overseas on a ship. The same goes for the oil that powers your car (and just about every kind of transport in the country) has arrived in vast, vulnerable oil tankers. Even a slight disruption to this flow of oil would case massive problems for the UK, just remember the serious effects of the short-lived fuel protest of 2000. A large tanker, the Sirius Star carrying $100 million worth of crude oil was seized by pirates in 2008 demonstrating how vulnerable they are and how it could impact world markets. Without fuel, food distribution would quickly grind to a halt, rationing would be introduced and we would have to rely on meagre locally grown supplies. By 2011, 50% of the gas that you heat your house and cook with will arrive by sea from abroad (aboard the even more vulnerable 'floating bombs' that are Liquid Natural Gas carriers). 92% of UK trade by volume (586 million tonnes) is moved by sea. The health of the already fragile UK economy depends on this. Your job may well depend directly or indirectly on the free flow of imports or exports by sea. Sea transport is a significant part of the economy and is the UK's 3rd largest service sector. These ships are obviously vulnerable to attack by a foreign country, attack by terrorists and, as demonstrated by recent events, attack by pirates. The only effective way to protect merchant shipping is with naval forces. During 2 World wars in the 20th Century Britain came close to starvation because her merchant shipping was being sunk by submarines. Today there are fewer merchant ships but they're generally much larger and in open conflict would make fat and easy targets for today's sophisticated submarines. Just a few well-handled submarines could wreak havoc on world trade. 95% of global trade passes through just 9 narrow 'choke points' (such as the Straits of Hormuz ) where it is especially easy for a belligerent nation or even a terrorist group to attack shipping.
The RN is particularly short of escort vessels needed to protect merchant shipping from submarine, air or missile attacks. The Tory government of the 1980s was committed to maintaining 50 frigates and destroyers (escorts). The current labour government has slashed the number of theses vessels to 21 and lack of orders means it will fall even further in the near future. (As an interesting comparison Japan, an island nation of similar size to the UK, although more populous and richer, but with far fewer global commitments operates around 50 escorts.)
2. Operating the nuclear deterrent that helps keeps the peace. Whatever you think about nuclear weapons, it is hard to disagree with the fact that the threat of their use has prevented world war for over 60 years. The Royal Navy has quietly helped maintain this deterrent which ultimately helped win the Cold War. While unstable nations around the world continue to acquire nuclear weapons it would seem wise that Britain retains this ability. It would be great if the world was entirely rid of these horror weapons but that's really an unlikely utopian fantasy. They are expensive to build and maintain but not as expensive as a world war. It does not bear thinking about how the effects of nuclear war would impact on the lives of every individual in almost every part of the world.
The UK government is committed to replacing the current generation of nuclear-armed submarines although work needs to start urgently if there is not going to be a gap in capability. It is also pondering whether it can cut corners and build just 3 submarines instead of 4 that are needed to safely guarantee one on patrol at any one time. The recent collision by one of the deterrent submarines and a French submarine demonstrates the need for some spare capacity in the event the unexpected. In addition to the actual RN submarines that carry these weapons, there is a need for trained and experienced personnel to man them and other submarines and ships to protect them at times. The RN is already short of these resources.
3. Helping in the fight against terrorism. The causes of terrorism and what the reponses to it should be are complex and controversial. However what is not in doubt is that it is an increasing threat to the world and in most cases terrorists need to be confronted by force. Britain is second only to the US on the list of countries that insane Islamic militants want to target with indiscriminate murder and mayhem. Everyday, largely out of sight and out of the public mind, the RN is part of the complex array of forces trying to combat terrorism. Whether contributing personnel, and aircraft to Afghanistan, or conducting maritime search of suspect vessels, the RN is helping police the seas and disrupt terrorism. For more urgent action RN submarines carry very accurate long-range Tomahawk missiles which have been used in the past to target terrorist training camps.
As with protecting trade, the RN simply does not have the number of ships needed to patrol the large areas used by terrorist traffic.
4. Maintaining British influence in the world. The ships of the RN are a key component in projecting Britain's influence. (whether this is for good or bad is of course dependent on the integrity of the incumbent government). Visiting RN vessels are a great way to promote relationships with friendly and neutral nations around the world. The size and ability of the RN (and other UK forces) is a significant factor in how much influence we have over global politics and in particular the actions of the United States. The presence of a warship can send a powerful message of deterrence without a shot being fired. The concept of a 'fleet in being' is a cornerstone in the defence of the UK and its interests. The knowledge that we possess a fleet and are able to use it can make potential aggressors think twice. For example, in could be argued that cuts in the RN fleet lead directly to the Falklands conflict. Argentina interpreted the weakening of the navy as a lack of resolve by the UK to protect its overseas assets.The tangible benefits for you as a UK citizens of this influence is both economic; helping UK business, and moral; UK values and UK people receive greater respect and attention abroad. The United Kingdom has 13 Overseas Territories and, in the last 15 years the RN has provided direct support to 6 of them. There are also 5.5 million Britons living overseas. The RN is the most important tool the UK possesses when diplomatic avenues are either exhausted or need backing with force.
5. Supplying humanitarian aid and helping with disaster relief around the world.The RN not only trains for war but for humanitarian missions. Every year RN warships are involved in providing aid, comfort and relief of nations that have suffered natural disasters. In the Caribbean where islands are regularly devastated by hurricanes RN vessels have often been the first on the scene providing help to the local authorities. In the aftermath of the devastating tsunami in 2004, RN vessels went to the relief of Sri Lanka. There have been many other examples going back decades where trained men, well equipped ships and the 'can-do' attitude of the RN has been a huge help to struggling communities across the globe. On a smaller scale it is common practice for RN warships visiting foreign ports to send small teams to help local charities in various practical ways such a repairing an orphanage or decorating a school. In addition ship's companies regularly raise considerable sums of money to donate to charitable organisations. In these kind of efforts the RN is a great ambassador for the UK and a force for good in the world.
6. Protecting UK waters and the fish stocks.
Fishing remains an important industry, particularly in the more remote parts of the UK.Fish are an important part of our diet and the fishing industry is a mainstay of many small ports around UK. Protecting fish stocks from over-fishing, preventing plunder by foreign vessels and enforcing fish quotas and regulations is actually the oldest task performed by the RN. In addition to fishery protection, supporting the Coastguard, Customs and Police in the fight against terrorism crime, drug smuggling, illegal immigration are occasional additional roles for RN vessels on your doorstep.
With 10,500 miles of coastline and 600 ports one of the UK's greatest natural resources is the sea. The current government has allowed the RN's fishery protection fleet to fall to a laughable 3 vessels dedicated to patrolling UK waters.
7. Disrupting the flow of illegal drugs.The RN regularly patrols in the Caribbean region and has made seizures of large amounts drugs grown in South America intended for Europe. The RN has also sized drugs from suspect vessels across the worlds oceans. Disrupting the trade in narcotics that are a major cause of crime, mental health problems and misery on the streets near you is very worthwhile. Money from the sale of drugs is also a source of funds for terrorism and criminal empires. As the drug smugglers become more sophisticated, even building crude submarines to transport drugs, then a global response is needed and only the RN can contribute to this in partnership with local civilian agencies.
8. Carrying out search and rescue missions.
RN aircraft are on standby to perform rescue missions around the UK 24 hours a day.Many mariners, climbers and holidaymakers owe their lives to the Royal Navy. RN and RAF helicopters provide search, rescue and urgent transport to those in danger or injured, usually at sea or on around the coastline of the UK. Many RN aircrew have received bravery awards for risking their lives to save others in hazardous conditions. In addition, RN ships and aircraft regularly go to aid of sailors in danger across the oceans whenever they are in a position to offer assistance.
As a 'cost saving measure' the government plans to privatise search and rescue cover from 2012 and replace experienced RN and RAF crews with private contractors.
9. Supporting manufacturing, industry, research and science.Designing, building and maintaining the vessels and equipment needed by the RN employs thousands of people in the UK and helps maintain cutting edge industrial skills which benefit the economy as a whole. Manufacturing is a key part of a good economy and we can't just rely on the service sector. Although it is hard to argue the taxpayer has received good value for money recently as so many projects have been mis-managed and gone over-budget, never the less, these skills and capabilities are important to keep as no one knows when the UK may need to expand it's forces to meet future threats.
Through a lack of steady placing of equipment orders, this government is allowing much of the industrial infrastructure that supports the RN to wither and this valuable skills base, built up over decades is hard to re-build in a hurry, if at all. While generally trying to stimulate the troubled economy by public spending, no extra money has been given to defence projects.
10. Training and employing people.The RN has approximately 35,000 people and it provides secure employment for them and many others indirectly supporting them. RN personnel are trained to a high standard and as their lives may depend on each other, develop an ethos of loyalty, discipline and teamwork which is often lacking in civilian life. When they leave the service they are attractive prospects to many employers and ex-forces personnel and generally a valuable labour resource for the economy. The RN teaches leadership, resourcefulness and teamwork, together with a certain under-statement and a 'can-do' attitude. The occasional mis-deeds of sailors get plenty of media coverage and obviously not all ex-RN personnel are paragons of virtue but in general the RN produces rounded individuals who contribute to society.
Pressure on the RN to do too much with too few people means the average sailor is over-worked and not getting enough time in shore jobs. Regularly breaking their own 'harmony' guidelines, the government's lack of investment in the service is leading to a vicious circle as experienced people resign, tired of too much time away from home serving on under-manned ships.
7 years ago
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